今天我们英语班就讲了这篇课文。名字叫“A word of love课文是这样的:
She gives me much love.
She`s growing old day by
She teaches me how to
be a good person.
She`salways in my heart.
Her eyes shine with love.
She`ll always be right.
Put them all together,
they spell “mother.”
This word means the
Whole word to me.
她给了我博大的爱。但她一天比一天地变老。她教给了我怎样做一个好孩子。她在我的心里。她双眼闪着金光。她告诉我的都是对的。M-o-t-h-e-r 拼写出来就是“母亲”。她是我的全世界。
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