

作者:卡卡 2016-07-13

Pandora planet is a beautiful "dream fantastic garden". There are up to 900 feet of towering trees, floating in the air, colorful, full of strange plants dense rainforest, and all kinds of animals and plants will also send out light at night. The planet also lived a lovely kind-hearted Neville, they have been with other creatures on the planet Pandora in harmony, lived a simple natural life. A group of greedy earth people, however, want to get mineral resources on Pandoras planet, eaking their peaceful and harmonious life.

The story happened in 2154. There is a mineral element not elsewhere in Pandoras planet. But the resource rich Pandora planet is not suitable for human life. The air here is a fierce predator for human fatal plants. However, in order to get the mineral elements, scientists have thought of cloning. Jack Sally was a man who could manipulate the clone of Norway, and he was sent to Pandora. There, he overcame the difficulties, learned all the skills of the Norwegians to survive, and gained their trust. Driven by interests, human beings sent a fighter to destroy a giant tree of the people of Norway. Jacks persuasion failed to stop the war. For the sake of justice, in order to protect the Norwegian home, Jack appealed to the Norway people to resist and to become the "phantom" knight. Finally, under the guidance of Jack, the Norway people eventually defeated the human and drove the invaders out of their homes.

When the earth troops bombarded the planet Pandora every inch of land, Jack feel shame for the people of earth, is full of "wound" nature when people flee tears trickling down cheeks; Pandora, was mercilessly destroying life, Jacks heart in the blood. He couldnt resist, decided to come forward, called on all weak forces, unite against the enemy. Although the powerful army did not stop the attack at all, the Pandora people were fearless and forward. If only the last one is left, the aggressor must be driven out. Their faith and spirit touched mother earth, even the birds and animals also joined the ranks of the battle. Finally, the earths army was driven out of Pandora. Jack fell in love with Pandora because Pandora gave him second lives, and he would always be Afanda and stay on Pandora forever.

This is a thrilling film, of which high tech instruments let me open the horizon, and the beautiful natural world makes me intoxicated. This is a contest between justice and greed. Let us understand the importance of nature.

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